This authentic Louis Vuitton Artsy MM in Monogram is in fair condition and used regularly for several years. There are parts of this bag that are worn, but a lot that are still in pretty good shape. The canvas has no cracks on the sides of the bag but DOES have several small cracks along the top trim as seen in pictures. Also, the bottom corners are all lightly worn through the canvas as seen. The handle has a medium patina but is still in great condition. The hardware is still all glossy and gold colored.
The interior has a few stains, and there are some light markings and dirtiness, but not extremely bad. The interior pocket has some light markings/ stains, but overall, the interior is in normal used condition.
A nice bag with a few areas of damage.
Date Code: CA1161
The interior has a few stains, and there are some light markings and dirtiness, but not extremely bad. The interior pocket has some light markings/ stains, but overall, the interior is in normal used condition.
A nice bag with a few areas of damage.
Date Code: CA1161