This authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull GM Monogram shoulder bag is in fair condition and used regularly for a several years.
The exterior canvas is in good condition with no cracks or tears. The bottom corners have normal wear and run, but no real damage. The top trim has several areas of cracking and the handles are darkened from regular use. One of the handles has been glued to hold it firm. It was NOT torn. It was very worn so glue was added to make it more durable. Furthermore, the side straps are showing no splitting down the middle, and have light wear and cracking in one or two places. Not serious though.
The interior has several large stains and markings. The interior pocket also has some dirtiness as well.
Overall this is a nice bag and has quite a bit of life left to it. Please check all pictures for markings.
Comes with just the Neverfull
Date Code: SD2059
The exterior canvas is in good condition with no cracks or tears. The bottom corners have normal wear and run, but no real damage. The top trim has several areas of cracking and the handles are darkened from regular use. One of the handles has been glued to hold it firm. It was NOT torn. It was very worn so glue was added to make it more durable. Furthermore, the side straps are showing no splitting down the middle, and have light wear and cracking in one or two places. Not serious though.
The interior has several large stains and markings. The interior pocket also has some dirtiness as well.
Overall this is a nice bag and has quite a bit of life left to it. Please check all pictures for markings.
Comes with just the Neverfull
Date Code: SD2059