This authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM shoulder bag in Damier Ebene is the medium sized bag and is in good shape. It is only several years old and shows light signs of wear. There are no holes or tears in the leather. The handles are in good shape with no signs of use by the hands and where they attach to the bag. The trim has no cracks or wear but light creases in a few places (see pictures). Also, there are no holes or in the bottom corners of the bag. The side straps are in good shape with no splitting at all. The interior of the bag has some stains and markings on the bottom. The interior pocket is clean as you can see. Some of the gold brass is losing its color and appearing silver in some pleases. Not too noticeable though. Overall a nice bag in good condition with lots of life left to it.
Date code is: AR2145
Date code is: AR2145