This authentic Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 in the Damier Azur color is a medium sized bag and the most popular size. This particular bag is as new looking as you are going to get for a used bag. There are no scuffs or markings to the exterior canvas and the bottom corners and all the piping are in near brand new condition. The handles still have an extremely light color and the zipper, and leather tags on either side of the bag are all in great unused condition. The zipper works flawlessly.
The interior the bag is very clean with a little bit of dirtiness and maybe a few light markings here and there. The interior pocket is very clean. Overall, this is a near perfect/ brand new bag that was rarely used.
Comes with the lock and NO keys.
Date Code: SD1172
The interior the bag is very clean with a little bit of dirtiness and maybe a few light markings here and there. The interior pocket is very clean. Overall, this is a near perfect/ brand new bag that was rarely used.
Comes with the lock and NO keys.
Date Code: SD1172